Digital Archives of Małopolska 2021
Interactive conference Digital Archives of Małopolska
A computer game in the form of a trip, where we will meet astrologists, biologists, UX designers, techno musicians in their natural, virtual, three-dimensional locations. Active, networking with the most advanced way of online communication! It’s all thanks to Students + Third-year students of the best artistic and digital field of study in Poland, i.e. @Digital Design at the Faculty of Art of the UP, with a little help from Dr. Michał Hyjek and Maciej Gniady (CollegiumXR) and with great support from the Krakow City Hall!
In our Mozilla Hubs boards there is full freedom! You can also do it before and after the event, but it’s much more fun and immersion when you’re online with a group of interesting people. That is why we recommend on Thursday, May 27 at 11:15 am to connect to our digital tour by clicking on this link → https: // … / uniform-joyful-roundtable …
Although this does not eliminate the multitude of sensations – we recommend using headphones with a microphone and the Chrome browser. Conference and sightseeing possible on any medium with a display (laptop, PC, desktop computer, tablet, smartphone)
Each room is a 15-minute lecture! We will listen to the lectures on various topics, but they have one thing in common – the willingness to transfer knowledge in a new, interactive way!
The period of the pandemic shows how important of a role remote forms of communication begin to play in everyday research and commercial work. The attitude to remote work has changed irreversibly, but has also revealed the weaknesses of the communication tools we use.
Is the solution to introduce more available VR and XR devices (mixed reality) or maybe the popularization of haptic solutions (3D sensors and stereoscopy) will allow for the development of activation and sharing of digitized knowledge?
The conference will be a meeting of specialists, scientists in the field of multimedia, interactive installations and museums, but also people who use an innovative virtual presentation tool in education.
The aim of the conference is to create a strategy for the development of interactive remote communication platforms for universities in Małopolska and to assess how mixed reality (VR and AR), artificial intelligence mechanisms and other technological innovations can co-create new education and identity building and the development of the so-called smartcity.
Digitalia Małopolski III
HypeMan: Michał Hyjek and Maciej Gniady
Coffee break elevator music: Mchy I Porosty
Main room = START AND MAIN HUB Entrance to the room →…/uniform-joyful-roundtable…
Day 1 - 27.05.2021
Host: Jakub Dąbrowski
Temat: Jam room muzyki elektronicznej
Prelegent: Michał Marczak
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Najdroższe Polskie Laboratorium - Polski Zderzacz Hadronów
Host: Michał Hyjek
Prelegent: Katarzyna Bester Ostrowska
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Temat: nauki animacji oraz motion design
Host: Dorota Mazur
Prelegent:Ala Nunu Leszyńska
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Temat: dlaczego nie chcesz mieć swojego konia
Host: Julia Adrianna
Prelegent: Patrycja Linczowska
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Temat: Psychodelika
Host: Marcelina Mączewska
Prelegent: Sam Sara Małecka
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Temat: Astrologia ewolucyjna
Host: Ola Szufnara
Prelegent: Bartosz Sawicki
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Temat: Eskapizm jako poznanie siebie
Host: Żenia Repicha
Prelegent: Lizaveta Kovaliova
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Temat: Artur Grottger - historia narysowana
Host: Jakub Jarnot
Prelegent: Monika Trawińska
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Temat: Fantastyczne tamwaje
Host: Bartłomiej Molik
Prelegent: Mateusz Jawień
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Temat: Co w drzewach ćwierka
Host: Agata Rupala
Prelegent: Katarzyna Kapuścik
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Temat: Ratunku! Ćma wpadła mi do pokoju! A potem się zaprzyjaźniliśmy...czyli o domowej hodowli motyli dziennych i nocnych
Host: Julia Buła
Prelegent: Krzysztof Pach
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Septera Core - uniwersum gry
Host: Jakub Mizera
Prelegent: Brian Babendererde
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Temat: Fizjologia snu (strona medyczna)
Host: Magdalena Frankiewicz
Prelegent: Tomasz Szabliński
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Temat: Pokój do odpoczynku
Host: Alicja Kupiec
Prelegent: Antonina Marć
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Day 2 - 28.05.2021
Temat: Etapy stawiania obozu
Host: Jan Pikul
Prelegent: Autoprezentacja
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Temat: Zdalne zbiórki Harcerstwo AD 2021
Host: Wiktor Sieprawski
Prelegent: Andrzej Dutkiewicz
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Temat: Survivalowe techniki przetrwania
Host: Antoni Pikul
Prelegent: Krzysztof Słomski
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Temat: Collegium XR oraz Autonomiczne strefy Edukacyjne
Host: Maciej Gniady
Prelegent: Michał Hyjek
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Nowe czasy gier planszowych
Host: Katarzyna Wetula
Prelegent: Wiktor Sieprawski, Antoni Pikul
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: The Collapse/ Zapadanie się, czyli o derealizacji doświadczanej podczas ataku lękowego
Host: Maciej Gniady
Prelegent: Anna Skrzypczyk
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Nauka śpiewu - najczęstsze błędy u początkujących
Host: Ewelina Przybylska
Prelegent: Marcin łazarski
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Memy, śmieszne obrazki, Pieseł, propaganda,
Host: Filip Curyło
Prelegent: Popularz
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Wróżki Chrzestne
Host: Ewelina Poskłonka
Wejście do pokoju → ….
Temat: Kultura gier w Korei
Host: Maja Nowacka
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Temat: Dlaczego Hannibal to najlepszy serial na całym świecie ?
Host: Dominika Gruszczyńska
Prelegent: Mathew W
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Kuchenne podróże Patryka Wrony
Host: Patryk Wrona
Prelegent: Izabela Chyłek
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: "Muhabbet, czyli gadamy o Turcji"
Host: Barbara Demirkaya
Prelegent: Burak Baydar
Wejście do pokoju →
Temat: Od podróży przez języki do biznesu. Jak język kształtuje rzeczywistość
Host: Daniel Mazur
Prelegent: Dorota Banaś
Wejście do pokoju →
The conference takes place in the multimedia lecture room at ul. Podbrzezie 3, but also on the Mozilla Hubs interactive transmission platform, where you will be able to watch the broadcast on your phone / smartphone / VR goggles and at the same time participate in discussions – ask the speakers questions. The platform is available on the Internet – without installation and on any mobile device. This form of conference (including advertising and collecting material for publication) is a complete phenomenon that increases access to culture without excluding people due to disability and economic exclusion.